OUR WAY – Greenways in Podkarpackie Region


Podkarpackie Region participates in the international project called "OUR WAY - PreservatiOn and promotion of cUltural and natural heRitage through GreenWAYs", co-financed by the INTERREG Europe programme. 

OUR WAY project aims to contribute to the conserving, protecting, promoting and developing natural and cultural heritage in Europe using Greenways by means of the improvement of policy instruments related to the cultural and natural quality of the territories involved, including tools for their governance and developing specific measures for their promotion and preservation.

The project intends to improve coordination among the different key actors:

  • to develop governance systems to manage Greenways;
  • to identify models and good practices for the protection and maintenance of Greenways;
  • to identify financial instruments and funding for Greenways and
  • to promote Greenways and product development.

The interregional cooperation is essential in order to identify, exchange and transfer of practices among regions and, what is more important to plan and prepare specific Action Plans to integrate lessons learned from the interregional cooperation in regional policies programmes.

Partnership is composed by 6 regions with different levels at developing, managing and promoting natural and cultural heritage in and around Greenways as well as the European Greenways Association, as an advisory partner,

⇒  Government of Murcia, Spain;

⇒ Chamber of Commerce and Industry-Vratsa, Bulgaria;

⇒ Northern and Western Regional Assembly, Ireland;

⇒ Podkarpackie Region, Poland;

⇒ Department Council of Herault, France;

⇒ Hajdu-Bihar Country Government, Hungary, and

⇒ European Greenways Association, Belgium. (Advisory partner)

Main activities include: analysis of environmental policy studies, identification of best practices and establishment of a stakeholders working group, selection of good practices to be transferred/exchanged in the project regions, design of regional plans for action, implementation of the action plan in each region, exchange of results among partners, stakeholders, beneficiaries and others.

As a final result, six national policies have to be improved in connection to 18 good practices identified as well as six action plans to be elaborated, the implementation of which shall contribute to the utilization of the natural and cultural heritage of each of the regions included in the project using greenways.

more info: http://www.aevv-egwa.org/projects/ourway/


OUR WAY during VI European Greenways Conference, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, 4-5.04.2019